Entity SDK

Entity SDK Overview

The entity sdk may be used to access any functionality from the Entity API. In order to use the entity sdk, the hubmap_sdk package needs to either be imported with

import hubmap_sdk

or the entity sdk class may be directly imported with

from hubmap_sdk.entitysdk import EntitySdk

In order to use any of the entity sdk methods, create an instance of the entity sdk class. This class accepts 2 arguments, both of which are optional. The first is “token”. Token is a Globus Groups token. If there is no such token, only public accessible methods will be reachable. Methods that require special access will be indicated below.

Depending on whether a token is given or, if one is given, which user groups the provided token belongs in, some or all functionality in certain methods will remain inaccessible. These too will be detailed in each method’s outline below. Validation of Globus tokens is performed when the entity api is called. If, for example, a method that requires a token is used but there is no token given, the entity api will return an error detailing the problem. This will also happen if a token is provided that is invalid, or if the token given is valid but is not part of the necessary user group to access part or all of a method.

If no token is given, it is assumed that there is no token.

The next argument is service_url. The Entity Api has several servers: Dev, Test, Stage, and Production. It is also possible to run the entity api locally. service_url is where the chosen instance of Entity Api is selected. If none is provided, the production server will be used automatically. Be certain there are no typos in the service url. The urls for the different servers are as follows:

  • Dev: https://entity-api.dev.hubmapconsortium.org/
  • Test: https://entity-api.test.hubmapconsortium.org/
  • Stage: https://entity-api.stage.hubmapconsortium.org/
  • Production: https://entity.api.hubmapconsortium.org/

If using a local instance of Entity Api, by default the port used is 5002. Therefore “localhost:5002” would be used for service_url.

Once this entity sdk instance is created, it will be used for each method. Creating an entity sdk instance will look like the following:

from hubmap_sdk import EntitySdk

#In this example, the token and service url are being retrieved from a configuration file.
url = app.config['DEV_URL']
token = app.config['GLOBUS_TOKEN'] 

entity_instance = EntitySdk(token, url)

Each of the major entity types recognized by the Entity Api is modeled with its own class in the hubmap sdk. These include:

  • Donor
  • Dataset
  • Sample
  • Collection
  • Upload

Several methods in the entity api will return an instance of these classes; particularly methods that retrieve entities or create entities. The Entity Api itself simply returns dictionaries with the properties of these entities, and the hubmap_sdk creates these class instances to allow developers to have a workable object to use. For example, if the method “get_endpoint_by_id” is used (this endpoint is detailed below) and the id supplied is for a donor entity, rather than returning a dictionary with the properties of that donor, an object of the class donor is returned.

Entity Sdk Methods

The following entity sdk methods each correspond with an endpoint inside the entity api.

Get Status

DescriptionGet status will print and return the current build, version, and neo4j connection status of the Entity Api.
OutputsThis method will print the version, build, and neo4j connection status to the terminal. It will be formatted as "'version': '{version}', 'build': '{build}', 'neo4j_connection': '{neo4j_connection}'". Additionally, the complete response from entity api will be returned as a dictionary.
Error HandlingMost methods will raise an exception if either Entity Api returns an error code (http status code 300 or greater) or if the connection fails altogether. Because of the nature of the get status method, if either of these occur, an exception will not be raised, rather the exception or error message from Entity Api will be printed to the terminal and returned.
AuthorizationThis method requires no token. If a token is provided and it is invalid, an exception will be raised.


status_object = entitysdk_instance.get_status()


'version: '{version}' , build: '{build}', neo4j_connecton: '{neo4j_connection}'

Get Ancestor Organs

DescriptionTakes an id (HuBMAP id or UUID) for a sample or dataset and will return a list of organs that are ancestors to the given sample or Dataset.
ArgumentsidentifierOptional: No
Type: String
OutputThe output of this method is a list containing objects of the class Sample. These sample objects are the organs that are ancestors to the given sample or dataset
Error HandlingIf the response code from Entity Api is greater than 299, an exception will be raised. The exception message will be the response from the Entity API. The get ancestor organs method will return this response from the API, so if this exception is handled individually, this information can be used. If the request to the Entity Api fails, an exception will be raised also.
AuthorizationNo token is required for this method. If a token is provided and it is invalid, an exception will be raised. If a token is not provided, or if a valid token is provided and the token is not part of the HuBMAP-Read group, only organs that are public will be returned.


hubmap_id = "HBM123.ABCD.456"
organs_list = entitysdk_instance.get_ancestor_organs(hubmap_id)

Get Entity by ID

DescriptionTakes an id (HuBMAP id or UUID) for an entity and returns an instance of the class corresponding to the given id.
ArgumentsidentifierOptional: No
Type: String
OutputThis method outputs an instance of one of the entity classes. This class will correspond with the class of the entity given by the identifier
Error HandlingIf the response code from Entity Api is greater than 299, an exception will be raised. The exception message will be the response from the Entity API. The get entity by id method will return this response from the API, so if this exception is handled individually, this information can be used. If the request to the Entity Api fails, an exception will be raised as well.
AuthorizationNo token is required for this method. If a token is provided and it is invalid, an exception will be raised. If a token is not provided, or if a valid token is provided and the token is not part of HuBMAP-Read group, only entities that are public will be returned


hubmap_id = "HBM123.ABCD.456"
new_sample = entitysdk_instance.get_entity_by_id(hubmap_id)

Get Entity Provenance

DescriptionTakes in an id (HuBMAP ID or UUID) and returns a dictionary with the provenance tree above the given ID. Optionally accepts an integer "depth" which will limit the size of the returned tree.
ArgumentsidentifierOptional: No
Type: String
depthOptional: Yes
Type: Integer
OutputThis method outputs a dictionary containing the complete provenance tree above the given id.
Error HandlingIf the response code from Entity Api is greater than 299, an exception will be raised. The exception message will be the response from the Entity API. The get entity provenance method will return this response from the API, so if this exception is handled individually, this information can be used. If the request to the Entity Api fails, an exception will be raised as well.
AuthorizationNo token is required for this method. If a token is provided and it is invalid, an exception will be raised. If a token is not provided, or if a valid token is provided and the token is not part of HuBMAP-Read group, only provenance trees for entities that are public will be returned


tree_depth = 4
hubmap_id = "HBM123.ABCD.456"
provenance = entitysdk_instance.get_entity_provenance(hubmap_id, tree_depth)

Get Entity Types

DescriptionThis method returns a list of all available entity types as defined in the Schema Yaml
OutputsThis method outputs a list. The list contains each entity type defined in the schema. Each is represented as a string
Error HandlingIf the response code from Entity Api is greater than 299, an exception will be raised. The exception message will be the response from the Entity API. The get entity types method will return this response from the API, so if this exception is handled individually, this information can be used. If the request to the Entity Api fails, an exception will be raised as well.
AuthorizationNo token is required for this method. If a token is provided and it is invalid, an exception will be raised.


list_of_entity_types = entitysdk_instance.get_entity_types()

Get Collection

DescriptionTakes as input identifier (HuBMAP id or UUID) for a collection and returns an instance of the collection class corresponding to the identifier given
ArgumentsidentifierOptional: No
Type: String
OutputsThis method outputs an instance of the collection class.
Error HandlingIf the response code from Entity Api is greater than 299, an exception will be raised. The exception message will be the response from the Entity API. The get collection method will return this response from the API, so if this exception is handled individually, this information can be used. If the request to the Entity Api fails, an exception will be raised as well.
AuthorizationNo token is required for this method. If a token is provided and it is invalid, an exception will be raised. If a token is not provided, or if a valid token is provided and the token is not part of HuBMAP-Read group, only collections that are public will be returned


hubmap_id = "HBM123.ABCD.456"
new_collection = entitysdk_instance.get_collection(hubmap_id)

Get Collections

DescriptionReturns a list of all public collections. If a valid token is given that is part of the HuBMAP-Read group, both published and unpublished collections will be returned
OutputsThis method outputs a list. The list contains objects of the class Collections.
Error HandlingIf the response code from Entity Api is greater than 299, an exception will be raised. The exception message will be the response from the Entity API. The get collections method will return this response from the API, so if this exception is handled individually, this information can be used. If the request to the Entity Api fails, an exception will be raised as well.
AuthorizationNo token is required for this method. If a token is provided and it is invalid, an exception will be raised. If a token is not provided, or if a valid token is provided and the token is not part of HuBMAP-Read group, only collections that are public will be returned


collections_list = entitysdk_instance.get_collections()

Create Multiple Samples

DescriptionCreates multiple samples from the same source. Accepts a dictionary containing the information of the given entity and an integer designating how many samples to create. Returns a list of the newly created sample objects. 'direct_ancestor_uuid' is a required field in the dictionary. An example of a valid call would be: create_multiple_samples(5, data) where data is the dictionary containing the information about the new entities. A token is required.
ArgumentscountOptional: No
Type: Integer
dataOptional: No
Type: Dictionary
OutputsThis method outputs a list. This list contains objects of the class Sample
Error HandlingIf the response code from Entity Api is greater than 299, an exception will be raised. The exception message will be the response from the Entity API. The create multiple samples method will return this response from the API, so if this exception is handled individually, this information can be used. If the request to the Entity Api fails, an exception will be raised as well.
AuthorizationA token is required for this method. If a token is provided and it is invalid, an exception will be raised. If a token is not provided, or one is provided but is not in the HuBMAP-Read group, an exception will be raised.


count = 5
data = {"sample_category": "block", "protocol_url": "https://dx.doi.org/99.9999/protocols.io.abcdefg", "direct_ancestor_uuid": "99999999999999999999999999999999"}
list_of_samples = entitysdk_instance.create_multiple_samples(count, data)

Create Entity

DescriptionCreates a new entity of a specified type. Takes as input a dictionary containing the details of the new entity and entity type.
Argumentsentity_typeOptional: No
Type: String
dataOptional: No
Type: Dictionary
OutputsThis method outputs an instance of a class given by entity_type.
Error HandlingIf the response code from Entity Api is greater than 299, an exception will be raised. The exception message will be the response from the Entity API. The create entity method will return this response from the API, so if this exception is handled individually, this information can be used. If the request to the Entity Api fails, an exception will be raised as well.
AuthorizationA token is required for this method. If a token is provided and it is invalid, an exception will be raised. If a token is not provided, or one is provided but is not in the HuBMAP-Read group, an exception will be raised.


entity_type: "sample"
data = {"sample_category": "block", "protocol_url": "https://dx.doi.org/99.9999/protocols.io.abcdefg", "direct_ancestor_uuid": "99999999999999999999999999999999"}
new_sample = entitysdk_instance.create_entity(entity_type, data)

Update Entity

DescriptionUpdates an existing entity. Takes as input an id (HuBMAP id or UUID) to an existing entity anda dictionary containing the properties either to add to or replace in the given entity. Returns an instance of the class corresponding with the given entity to reflect the new changes
ArgumentsidentifierOptional: No
Type: String
dataOptional: No
Type: Dictionary
OutputsThis method outputs an instance of a class corresponding to the class of the entity given by its id.
Error HandlingIf the response code from Entity Api is greater than 299, an exception will be raised. The exception message will be the response from the Entity API. The update entity method will return this response from the API, so if this exception is handled individually, this information can be used. If the request to the Entity Api fails, an exception will be raised as well.
AuthorizationA token is required for this method. If a token is provided and it is invalid, an exception will be raised. If a token is not provided, or one is provided but is not in the HuBMAP-Read group, an exception will be raised.


hubmap_id = "HBM123.ABCD.456"
data = {"sample_category": "block", "protocol_url": "https://dx.doi.org/99.9999/protocols.io.abcdefg", "direct_ancestor_uuid": "99999999999999999999999999999999"}
updated_sample = entitysdk_instance.update_entity(hubmap_id, data)

Get Ancestors

DescriptionTakes an id (HuBMAP id or UUID) for an entity and returns all of that entity's ancestors as a list.
ArgumentsidentifierOptional: No
Type: String
OutputsThis method outputs a list of dictionaries. Each dictionary contains the information of an ancestor of the given id.
Error HandlingIf the response code from Entity Api is greater than 299, an exception will be raised. The exception message will be the response from the Entity API. The get ancestors entity method will return this response from the API, so if this exception is handled individually, this information can be used. If the request to the Entity Api fails, an exception will be raised as well.
AuthorizationNo token is required for this method. If a token is provided and it is invalid, an exception will be raised. If a token is not provided, or if a valid token is provided and the token is not part of HuBMAP-Read group, only entities that are public will be returned


hubmap_id = "HBM123.ABCD.456"
list_of_ancestors = entitysdk_instance.get_ancestors(hubmap_id)

Get Descendants

DescriptionTakes an id (HuBMAP id or UUID) for an entity and returns all of that entity's descendants as a list.
ArgumentsidentifierOptional: No
Type: String
OutputsThis method outputs a list of dictionaries. Each dictionary contains the information of a descendant of the given id.
Error HandlingIf the response code from Entity Api is greater than 299, an exception will be raised. The exception message will be the response from the Entity API. The get descendants entity method will return this response from the API, so if this exception is handled individually, this information can be used. If the request to the Entity Api fails, an exception will be raised as well.
AuthorizationNo token is required for this method. If a token is provided and it is invalid, an exception will be raised. If a token is not provided, or if a valid token is provided and the token is not part of HuBMAP-Read group, only entities that are public will be returned


hubmap_id = "HBM123.ABCD.456"
list_of_descendants = entitysdk_instance.get_descendants(hubmap_id)

Get Parents

DescriptionTakes an id (HuBMAP id or UUID) for an entity and returns all of that entity's parents as a list.
ArgumentsidentifierOptional: No
Type: String
OutputsThis method outputs a list of dictionaries. Each dictionary contains the information of a parent of the given id.
Error HandlingIf the response code from Entity Api is greater than 299, an exception will be raised. The exception message will be the response from the Entity API. The get parents entity method will return this response from the API, so if this exception is handled individually, this information can be used. If the request to the Entity Api fails, an exception will be raised as well.
AuthorizationNo token is required for this method. If a token is provided and it is invalid, an exception will be raised. If a token is not provided, or if a valid token is provided and the token is not part of HuBMAP-Read group, only entities that are public will be returned


hubmap_id = "HBM123.ABCD.456"
list_of_parents = entitysdk_instance.get_parents(hubmap_id)

Get Children

DescriptionTakes an id (HuBMAP id or UUID) for an entity and returns all of that entity's children as a list.
ArgumentsidentifierOptional: No
Type: String
OutputsThis method outputs a list of dictionaries. Each dictionary contains the information of a child of the given id.
Error HandlingIf the response code from Entity Api is greater than 299, an exception will be raised. The exception message will be the response from the Entity API. The get children entity method will return this response from the API, so if this exception is handled individually, this information can be used. If the request to the Entity Api fails, an exception will be raised as well.
AuthorizationNo token is required for this method. If a token is provided and it is invalid, an exception will be raised. If a token is not provided, or if a valid token is provided and the token is not part of HuBMAP-Read group, only entities that are public will be returned


hubmap_id = "HBM123.ABCD.456"
list_of_children = entitysdk_instance.get_children(hubmap_id)

Get Previous Revisions

DescriptionTakes an id (HuBMAP id or UUID) for an entity and returns all of that entity's previous revisions as a list.
ArgumentsidentifierOptional: No
Type: String
OutputsThis method outputs a list of dictionaries. Each dictionary contains the information of a previous revision of the given id.
Error HandlingIf the response code from Entity Api is greater than 299, an exception will be raised. The exception message will be the response from the Entity API. The get previous revisions entity method will return this response from the API, so if this exception is handled individually, this information can be used. If the request to the Entity Api fails, an exception will be raised as well.
AuthorizationNo token is required for this method. If a token is provided and it is invalid, an exception will be raised. If a token is not provided, or if a valid token is provided and the token is not part of HuBMAP-Read group, only entities that are public will be returned


hubmap_id = "HBM123.ABCD.456"
list_of_previous_revisions = entitysdk_instance.get_previous_revisions(hubmap_id)

Get Next Revisions

DescriptionTakes an id (HuBMAP id or UUID) for an entity and returns all of that entity's next revisions as a list.
ArgumentsidentifierOptional: No
Type: String
OutputsThis method outputs a list of dictionaries. Each dictionary contains the information of a next revision of the given id.
Error HandlingIf the response code from Entity Api is greater than 299, an exception will be raised. The exception message will be the response from the Entity API. The get next revisions entity method will return this response from the API, so if this exception is handled individually, this information can be used. If the request to the Entity Api fails, an exception will be raised as well.
AuthorizationNo token is required for this method. If a token is provided and it is invalid, an exception will be raised. If a token is not provided, or if a valid token is provided and the token is not part of HuBMAP-Read group, only entities that are public will be returned


hubmap_id = "HBM123.ABCD.456"
list_of_next_revisions = entitysdk_instance.get_next_revisions(hubmap_id)

Add Datasets To Collection

DescriptionTakes an id (HuBMAP id or UUID) for a collection and a list of dataset uuid's and connects each datset to the collection. The collection is then returned
ArgumentsidentifierOptional: No
Type: String
list_of_datasetsOptional: No
Type: List
OutputsThis method outputs an instance of the class Collection corresponding to the given id
Error HandlingIf the response code from Entity Api is greater than 299, an exception will be raised. The exception message will be the response from the Entity API. The add datasets to collection method will return this response from the API, so if this exception is handled individually, this information can be used. If the request to the Entity Api fails, an exception will be raised as well.
AuthorizationNo token is required for this method. If a token is provided and it is invalid, an exception will be raised. If a token is not provided, or if a valid token is provided and the token is not part of HuBMAP-Read group, only entities that are public will be returned and both the collection and each of the datasets must be public, otherwise an exception will be raised


hubmap_id = "HBM123.ABCD.456"
list_of_datasets = ["11111111111111111111111111111111", "22222222222222222222222222222222", "33333333333333333333333333333333"]
new_collection = entitysdk_instance.add_datasets_to_collection(hubmap_id, list_of_datasets)

Get Globus Url

DescriptionTakes an id (HuBMAP id or UUID) for an entity and returns that entity's globus url
ArgumentsidentifierOptional: No
Type: String
OutputsThis method outputs a string containing the globus url
Error HandlingIf the response code from Entity Api is greater than 299, an exception will be raised. The exception message will be the response from the Entity API. The get globus url method will return this response from the API, so if this exception is handled individually, this information can be used. If the request to the Entity Api fails, an exception will be raised as well.
AuthorizationNo token is required for this method. If a token is provided and it is invalid, an exception will be raised. If a token is not provided, or if a valid token is provided and the token is not part of HuBMAP-Read group, only urls for entities that are public will be returned


hubmap_id = "HBM123.ABCD.456"
globus_url = entitysdk_instance.get_globus_url(hubmap_id)

Get Dataset Latest Revision

DescriptionTakes an id (HuBMAP id or UUID) for a dataset and returns an instance of the class dataset corresponding with the latest revision of the dataset given by the id
ArgumentsidentifierOptional: No
Type: String
OutputsThis method outputs an instance of the class Dataset. This Dataset object corresponds with the latest revision of the dataset of the given id
Error HandlingIf the response code from Entity Api is greater than 299, an exception will be raised. The exception message will be the response from the Entity API. The get dataset latest revision method will return this response from the API, so if this exception is handled individually, this information can be used. If the request to the Entity Api fails, an exception will be raised as well.
AuthorizationNo token is required for this method. If a token is provided and it is invalid, an exception will be raised. If a token is not provided, or if a valid token is provided and the token is not part of HuBMAP-Read group, only published datasets will be returned


hubmap_id = "HBM123.ABCD.456"
latest_revision = entitysdk_instance.get_dataset_latest_revision(hubmap_id)

Get Dataset Revision Number

DescriptionTakes an id (HuBMAP id or UUID) for a dataset and returns the revision number of that dataset as an integer
ArgumentsidentifierOptional: No
Type: String
OutputsThis method outputs an integer for the revision number of a given dataset
Error HandlingIf the response code from Entity Api is greater than 299, an exception will be raised. The exception message will be the response from the Entity API. The get dataset revision number method will return this response from the API, so if this exception is handled individually, this information can be used. If the request to the Entity Api fails, an exception will be raised as well.
AuthorizationNo token is required for this method. If a token is provided and it is invalid, an exception will be raised. If a token is not provided, or if a valid token is provided and the token is not part of HuBMAP-Read group, but the given id is for an unpublished dataset, an error will be raised


hubmap_id = "HBM123.ABCD.456"
revision_number = entitysdk_instance.get_dataset_revision_number(hubmap_id)

Retract Dataset

DescriptionRetracts a published dataset. Takes as input an id (HuBMAP id or UUID) for a dataset and a string "retraction_reason" and changes the field "sub_status" to "retracted" and sets "retraction_reason" to the string retraction_reason for the given dataset. The updated dataset is returned
ArgumentsidentifierOptional: No
Type: String
retraction_reasonOptional: No
Type: String
OutputsThis method outputs an instance of the class Dataset corresponding to the retracted dataset
Error HandlingIf the response code from Entity Api is greater than 299, an exception will be raised. The exception message will be the response from the Entity API. The retract dataset method will return this response from the API, so if this exception is handled individually, this information can be used. If the request to the Entity Api fails, an exception will be raised as well.
AuthorizationA token is required for this method. If a token is provided and it is invalid, an exception will be raised. If a token is not provided, or if a valid token is provided and the token is not part of HuBMAP-Data-Admin group, an exception will be raised


hubmap_id = "HBM123.ABCD.456"
retraction_reason = "this dataset has been deprecated"
retracted_dataset = entitysdk_instance.retract_dataset(hubmap_id, retraction_reason)

Get Revisions List

DescriptionTakes as input an id (HuBMAP id or UUID) for a dataset and returns the list of all next or previous revisions of that dataset. It doesn't matter where in the list of revisions the given dataset is. For example, if the given dataset is the first revision of 5, or the 5th revision of 5, the output will be the same. Accepts an optional argument "include_dataset". By default this is false. If left unchanged, only the revision number and uuid will be included for each revision. If include_dataset is set to true, the full dataset will also be returned for each
ArgumentsidentifierOptional: No
Type: String
include_datasetOptional: Yes
Type: Bool
OutputsThis method outputs a list of dictionaries. Each dictionary contains the revision number integer, and the uuid of the dataset as a string. If include_dataset is set to true, then the complete dataset for each will be included as a dictionary as well in the form of a dataset object
Error HandlingIf the response code from Entity Api is greater than 299, an exception will be raised. The exception message will be the response from the Entity API. The get revisions list method will return this response from the API, so if this exception is handled individually, this information can be used. If the request to the Entity Api fails, an exception will be raised as well.
AuthorizationNo token is required for this method. If a token is provided and it is invalid, an exception will be raised. If a token is not provided, or if a valid token is provided and the token is not part of HuBMAP-Read group, only information for entities that are public will be returned


hubmap_id = "HBM123.ABCD.456"
list_of_revisions = entitysdk_instance.get_revisions_list(hubmap_id, include_dataset)

Get Associated Organs

DescriptionTakes an id (HuBMAP id or UUID) for a dataset and returns the list of organs associated with the given dataset
ArgumentsidentifierOptional: No
Type: String
OutputsThis method outputs a list of Sample objects corresponding to the organs associated with the dataset given by id.
Error HandlingIf the response code from Entity Api is greater than 299, an exception will be raised. The exception message will be the response from the Entity API. The get associated organs by dataset method will return this response from the API, so if this exception is handled individually, this information can be used. If the request to the Entity Api fails, an exception will be raised as well.
AuthorizationNo token is required for this method. If a token is provided and it is invalid, an exception will be raised. If a token is not provided, or if a valid token is provided and the token is not part of HuBMAP-Read group, only information for organs that are public will be returned


hubmap_id = "HBM123.ABCD.456"
organs_list = entitysdk_instance.get_associated_organs_from_dataset(hubmap_id)

Get Prov Info

DescriptionReturns provenance info for all primary datasets in the form of a list of dictionaries. Optionally accepts several arguments: has_rui_info group_uuid, organ, and dataset_status which filter the results based on these arguments.
Argumentshas_rui_infoOptional: Yes
Type: String or Boolean
group_uuidOptional: Yes
Type: String
organOptional: Yes
Type: String
dataset_statusOptional: Yes
Type: String
OutputThis method outputs a list of dictionaries containing the provenance info for the returned datasets.
Error HandlingIf the response code from Entity Api is greater than 299, an exception will be raised. The exception message will be the response from the Entity API. The get prov info method will return this response from the API, so if this exception is handled individually, this information can be used. If the request to the Entity Api fails, an exception will be raised as well.
AuthorizationNo token is required for this method. If a token is provided and it is invalid, an exception will be raised. If a token is not provided, or if a valid token is provided and the token is not part of HuBMAP-Read group, only published datasets will be returned


rui = False
group = '1234abcd-56ef-78gh-901234ijklmn'
organ = LV
status = "published"
prov_info = entitysdk_instance.get_prov_info(rui_info=rui, group_uuid=group, organ=organ, dataset_status=status))

Get Prov Info By Id

DescriptionTakes an id (HuBMAP id or UUID) for a dataset and returns the provenance info of that dataset as a dictionary
ArgumentsidentifierOptional: No
Type: String
OutputsThis method outputs a dictionary containing all of the provenance info for the given dataset
Error HandlingIf the response code from Entity Api is greater than 299, an exception will be raised. The exception message will be the response from the Entity API. The get prov info by id method will return this response from the API, so if this exception is handled individually, this information can be used. If the request to the Entity Api fails, an exception will be raised as well.
AuthorizationNo token is required for this method. If a token is provided and it is invalid, an exception will be raised. If a token is not provided, or if a valid token is provided and the token is not part of HuBMAP-Read group, but the given id is for an unpublished dataset, an error will be raised


hubmap_id = "HBM123.ABCD.456"
prov_info = entitysdk_instance.get_prov_info_by_id(hubmap_id)